This is the easiest DIY ever. So easy in fact that I wasn’t really sure if I should post it…but then I also wanted to share my excitement about sparkle shellac manicures (which are also super appropriate for Diwali), so I thought why not?
PS: if you need some more simple ideas for celebrating Diwali, check out this post!
DIY Diwali Candle Holders
All you need for this project is candle holders and washi tape – that’s it! I found these fun colours in the dollar section at my local target.
I basically just eyeballed the placement of the washi tape and placed each stripe a slightly different level for some variation. Although, judging by my facial expression in this pic, you have to really focus on the project!
Also, can we talk about how much I’m loving this shellac manicure. It will be two weeks on Sunday since I had it done, and it still looks amazing, except my nails have grown from the bottom. I’ve read different thoughts on how damaging it can be to your nails if you keep doing it, but I think I’m hooked! How perfect are these sparkles for Diwali?
I know DIY’s are not everyone’s thing, and some of the ones we see on Pinterest can be be really overwhelming, but this is one that anyone can do. If you have kids try it with them, or maybe get together with your siblings or friends and have a Diwali craft party, this is a no fail DIY!
Images by: Aziz Dhamani
So simple and they look great!