It’s been a while since I posted any business or blogging tips, but I still get a number of questions via email and social media about blogging, and specifically, content creation. Creating interesting content is basically my whole life. My other job when I’m not blogging, involves writing blog and social media copy for clients. Now that I’m almost 7 years into the content creator life, I’ve narrowed it down to a handful of tools that help me stay inspired and make content creation easy.
Before I share my actual winners, I have to tell you, I’ve spent a lot of money on duds! Software programs for recording ideas, research assistants, fancy planning journals – I’ve tried everything. Here is what I know for sure, no system is flawless, and the system only works if you use it. (I’m looking at you fancy planner collecting dust in the corner). With that little life lesson out of the way, let’s talk tools….
5 Tools That Help Me Create Blog Content
No bells and whistles, just a simple notebook. I keep a little notebook in my purse, and I also have one each for my work and home desk. When you get an idea, write it down! If you aren’t a pen to paper person and want to use an app, I’m cool with that, just make sure you are recording it somewhere.
Just having a notebook (or multiples) is not enough, you have to review them too! I’m the worst at this and will sometimes find a notebook months later full of great ideas I could have used. Do as I say, not as I do k. Put a reminder in your calendar to review your notes once a month and plan content around them.
Phone camera
I switched to an android phone last year and there is no looking back. Now when I’m out and about I can take a picture on my phone and know that it will actually be good enough to use in a blog post. In the past I would go somewhere on the weekend and see a location or product that I would love to share but my images were awful. A high quality phone camera is drastically changing my ability to create amazing content and more of it.
Yup, Netflix. I know most people use the service to binge watch sitcoms, but I’m crazy into the unique food programming and documentaries. Last year I was inspired by a number of food shows to try new recipes (my favourites are Raja Rasoi Aur Aniya Kahaniya, Girl Eats World, and Chef’s Table). I’ve also watched some hard-hitting documentary series like Daughters of Destiny that inspired a new charity partnership that I’ll be announcing on the blog soon.
I feel there is an amazing amount of inspiration for food and travel writers on Netflix and I want more writers to know about it! If you want any more recommendations, leave a comment or email me – I might have a ‘”few” more!
[wc_fa icon=”heart-o” margin_left=”” margin_right=”” class=””][/wc_fa] iPad
When I joined the Netflix Stream Team they sent me a new iPad in my welcome kit (crazy cool huh?!). I made the decision to keep all client work off of that device. I now use it exclusively for blog work. I’ve installed an app called Insta.Paper that saves articles, I search for inspiration on Pinterest, and of course I watch all my foodie shows without being interrupted by notifications.
[wc_fa icon=”heart-o” margin_left=”” margin_right=”” class=””][/wc_fa] The Library
Nothing fills up my idea notebook (and editorial calendar) like a visit to the library! I like to wander random racks, skim through books, and just whole up for a few hours scribbling ideas like crazy!
How do you find ideas for new content? I’d love to here your tips!
Also, if you are a blogger/entrepreneur you may also enjoy: Blogging Tips, Being Productive with Kids at Home, and Should I Start a Social Media Business?
I am part of the Netflix StreamTeam where I receive perks for sharing my love of Netflix.